More than forty public and private entities met today at the City Hall to finalise the programming of space activities for 2024, the year in which Seville will hold the Ariane Cities Presidency. Álvaro Pimentel, delegate for Cartuja, Innovative Parks, Employment, Economy and Commerce of Seville City Council, highlighted during the meeting “the full collaboration of the Consistory in this project, which is a successful example of public-private collaboration in the city of Seville”.

The meeting was part of the Space Forum, which brings together public administrations, public companies, foundations, research centres, private companies, universities and professional associations, with the sole aim of raising awareness of the important role that the aerospace sector must play in Seville, and also to promote a space culture among the public. The upcoming 2024 European Space Presidency of the Ariane Cities Community is supported by the highly strategic partner Airbus, which helps to give greater scope and visibility to this programme of activities.

Pimentel wanted to thank all the entities gathered at the Space Forum for “their effort, dedication, creativity and enthusiasm when it comes to taking forward initiatives that seek to put Seville on the map of the Spanish aerospace sector”. “An effort that will be especially important during the annual presidency of the CVA, which makes us the European Space Capital,” he said.

Pimentel pointed out that being part of the AVC is of great strategic value for Seville, since thanks to this alliance “we will be able to strengthen our collaboration with the member cities and it allows us to consolidate and increase the city’s industrial fabric by generating technology-based companies and inviting the main agents in the sector to set up in the city, one of the main objectives that this municipal government, headed by José Luis Sanz, has set for the current term of office”.

The meeting was chaired, in addition to Álvaro Pimentel, by Miguel Ángel Yagüe Vázquez, head of Programs Operations at Airbus Defence and Space S.A.U.; by Josechu Ferreras, coordinator of the Space Forum; and by Julio Cárabe, secretary general of the Spanish Space Agency. The main events that will make up the programme of the CVA Presidency held by Seville during 2024 and which will begin on 2 February with the handover of the baton by Vernon, the French city that currently holds the presidency, were outlined.