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Planetarium Casa de la Ciencia
Museo Casa de la Ciencia Avenida de María Luisa, S/N, Sevilla, Sevilla, EspañaThe CSIC House of Science Museum in Seville, within its priority objective of promoting scientific culture in general, offers the opportunity to be closer than ever to the celestial bodies [...]
AstroÁndalus Lectures / Workshops
AstroÁndalus will be present at the Science Fair and World Space Week with various talks and workshops on Light Pollution and Carbon Footprint / Astrotourism / Minds in the Shadows [...]
Sky of the month
El Tejar del Mellizo Centro Cívico del Parque de los Príncipes, Sevilla, SevillaMonthly events and conferences on Space and Astronomy.
Visit to the TARSIS FAL
Aerópolis Parque Tecnológico Aeroespacial de Andalucía, San José de La Rinconada, SevillaIn-person visit to the Final Assembly Line of the TARSIS UAS located in Aerópolis for Engineering students from the University of Seville.
Launch of the NAOS experimental rocket
Launch of the NAOS rocket with a J222 class AC60 engine, 42 kg thrust, 840 Ns total impulse and designed to reach an apogee of 3 km. It includes on-board [...]