Ownership of the website

The name of the domain and subdomain espacial.sevilla.org, is registered in favor of the City Council of Seville, with CIF P4109100J and registered office at Plaza Nueva no. 1, 41001 – Seville. Contact telephone number +34 955 010 010.

Intellectual property of the website

All intellectual property rights of the content of this website and its graphic design are the exclusive property of the Seville City Council, which is responsible for the exclusive exercise of their exploitation rights.

Therefore, its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the express authorization of the Seville City Council. Likewise, all distinctive signs, brands, trade names or signs of any kind contained on this website are protected by law.

Web content and links

The Seville City Council is not responsible for any misuse of the contents of its website, which is the sole responsibility of the person who accesses and/or uses them. Nor does it assume any responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages that can be accessed through links from the page espacial.sevilla.org . The presence of these links is for informational purposes, not constituting in any case an invitation to contract products or services offered on the destination website. In the event that the Seville City Council has effective knowledge that the activity or information sent from these links is illicit, constitutes a crime or may harm property or rights of third parties susceptible to compensation, it will act with the necessary diligence to delete or render unusable. the corresponding link as soon as possible.

Updating and modifying the website

Seville City Council reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on this website and its configuration or presentation at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility to do so.

Indications on technical aspects

The Seville City Council does not assume any responsibility that may arise from technical problems or errors in computer equipment, not attributable to the City Council, that occur during the connection to the Internet network, or that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference. out of your control.

The Seville City Council does not guarantee the absence of viruses and other elements that may cause damage to computer systems, electronic documents or user files of this website or third-party websites, and, therefore, Therefore, it is not responsible for any damages that may occur due to these causes.

The user is also exonerated from all liability for possible damages or losses that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided when it comes from third sources.

User data processing

Without prejudice to what is indicated in each of the forms on the website, when the user provides their personal data, they are expressly authorizing the Seville City Council to automatically process their Personal Data for the purpose indicated in the same forms. . Only the data strictly necessary for the purpose of each form will be requested, kept for the established period and accessible only to authorized persons. The Seville City Council will not transfer or communicate the data collected to third parties without the user’s consent. The user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by requesting to the City Council at General Registry or Auxiliary Registries of the Municipal Districts. More information in the Privacy Policy of the website.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

In general, relations with users arising from the provision of the services contained on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.

The users of this website are aware of everything stated and accept it voluntarily.