22nd Science Fair

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One of the main themes of the Science Fair is “The Science of Space”, to celebrate Seville as the capital of the Community of Ariane Cities (CVA). Among the more than 100 projects presented by educational research centres, 14 are related to this theme.

These are listed below and will be available soon:

Name of the Project Name of the Educational Centre
My Space Classroom CDP Las Artes
Experiments on the Space Station CC Santa Isabel Sevilla
Discovering space CE Los Rosales
Kids in Black (KiB) EIP Virgen del Rosario
May science be with you! Colegio Alemán Alberto Durero
GalaxyAlandalus IES Al Ánadalus
PUAXplorer IES Ciudad de las Cabezas
Mandalorian Science IES La Campiña
To infinity and beyond BVM irlandesas Bami
Miura, more than a bull IES Padre José Miravent
Lost in space IES Salvador Távora
The forced search for Planet B IES Tartessos
The microorganisms of Rio Tinto CEIP San Ignacio del Viar
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